
When Bright Blue Seeds struggle...

I have been in your shoes.

Not knowing where to turn..

Thinking that no one could possibly understand what we were going through…

Feeling that even the professionals didn’t truly get it…

Trying to find answers myself..

Balancing other children, the school system, my own mental health..

It is a long, lonely, very bumpy road. 

Not that long ago we had no idea that an anxiety-based, extreme sound sensitivity called misophonia even existed.  Neither did many professionals we visited.  So…given my curious and tenacious spirit, I researched backwards, forwards, east, west, north and south to find answers to help my child and I identified it.

That was just the beginning. Along the way, I read and listened (and continue to have a pile waiting) to books, podcasts, TedTalks, YouTube – wherever the winding road led. (a sampling here) Occasionally colonies of thistle seemed to extend in all directions, blocking the path entirely. BUT… we persisted.

The long, windy, pot-holed road is how I came to the discovery of the HSP trait. Once I uncovered that important piece, things became more in focus.  

No, I do not have letters after my name, but my lived parenting experience, the thousands of hours of research I was able to do, plus my knowledge of the school system give me a unique set of tools to assist you in finding the best blend of supports and fertilizers for your own child, including the proper school supports.